Rushford & Associates
Eric Bell
CEO - Rushford & Associates

Eric Bell, CEO of Rushford & Associates, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to his position. As the lead for course development and facilitation, Eric works to assure that courses match specific needs of the organization.
Eric Bell completed his military career with the Army National Guard on December 31, 2 008. He served as a Recruiting, Retention, and Attrition Manager at the National Guard Bureau in Arlington VA. before retiring.
After retiring from military service, Eric worked with Lockheed Martin as a member of the Yellow Ribbon Program to assist veterans and their families returning from deployment. He served as a Talent Acquisition Manager with ManTech International Corporation before accepting a selection to Federal service with the National Science Foundation on December 11, 2011.
Eric worked as the Veterans Employment Program Manager assisting, educating and developing veterans as they entered federal service. Eric transferred from the Human Resource Office at the National Science Foundation to work as a Department of Defense civilian serving as manager in the Diversity and Inclusion Office for the U.S. Air Force at the Pentagon.
While at the Pentagon Eric acquired valuable experience within the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Gaining a greater understanding of the intersectionality between human resources, equal employment opportunity, affirmative employment, diversity, and inclusion.
Eric returned to the National Science Foundation a year later to serve as the Senior Manager for Diversity, Inclusion, and Special Emphasis. As the Senior Manager, Eric has written the agency’s MD-715 report, conducted special emphasis observances, served as coach, and mentor. Eric has spearheaded multiple change initiatives such as the World Inclusion Café, Workforce Inclusion Assessments, and Inclusion Intervention Workshops.
Eric holds a bachelor’s degree in Management, his passion for diversity, inclusion, and change- management inspired him to obtain his master’s degree in Organizational Development from American University, given him a broader perspective on how change-management, unconscious bias, and human behavior interface. Eric is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Organizational Development from Cabrini University with a focus on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion.
As a consultant, Eric has partnered with organizations providing analysis, assessments, and recommendations for workforce diversity, equity, and inclusion. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Rushford and Associates. As a former Special Emphasis Program Manager, Eric understands the dedication, hard work, and frustration of a SEPM first hand.